What are the easy steps to start and complete a photo project?
1. Create a new project (such as enter Project Name, configure if you want 2-sided printing or page numbers on the page, need dust jacket or not, want to set a default font or not, etc)
2. Drag the title page thumbnail (12" x 9") or the cover page thumbnail (9" x 9") from the bottom My Book tab into workspace. Edit this page and Save this page.
3. Click Add a New Page to add the first inside page for this book.
4. Drag and drop template and background into the workspace for the first page. (optional)
5. Drag and drop photo onto the workspace, Edit the page and Save the page. Do not forget to save every page as you go along.
6. Preview the book, proof the book on the screen.
7. Upload the book.
8. Log in to your account, select the uploaded project, place the order.