How do I get started after I create the project?
Once you have configured the project settings, you will be taken directly into the book editing interface.
Just follow the first message on the screen. For a 12" x 9" book, "You can drag the title page into the workspace to start editing the book". The title page thumbnail is displayed at the bottom under My Book tab. If you configured to have a dust jacket, you can also drag the dust jacket thumbnail from the bottom into the workspace to start. As for a 9" x 9" book, the message will suggest you drag the cover page thumbnail from the bottom into the workspace first.
If you want to use a layout template, you can go to the bottom template tab to drag a template into the workspace. Background designs are also available at the bottom, another dragging and dropping will apply any background to your page. However, if you decide not to use a template or background, you can start dragging and dropping photos directly from the left folder viewer.
The program user interface is very self-explanatory, have fun with these drag-and-drops!